
In recent years we haven’t seen very many ducklings grow to become adults. When they are hatched the ducklings are led to water within the first 24 hours. This is when we see them, all nice a fluffy and unfortunately bite size. We try not to get too excited as they only live for a very short time. In other words all the predators show up and it’s just a matter of time.

Well this morning I saw something unusual. Our local mother and her brood swam right up to a night heron and I thought that was stupid. I quickly got my camera to capture the scene. As expected the heron did a quick grab and fly, that’s normally the end of story. What I didn’t expect to see was mom flying after the heron and harassing it for half the length of the lagoon till he dropped the duckling.

I have to apologize for the crappy photos as I didn’t have much time to set things up.

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