It’s Haircut Day

In the 70’s when I was quite younger, I hated going to the barber. Back then it was cool to have long hair… 35 years later I love getting a haircut from Sandy. I never have to make an appointment. I’m the only customer so there’s no waiting and the clippers have more than paid for itself. Unfortunately for Sandy my hair is thick and sticks to everything. I’ve been told it feels like a cactus needles in your clothes.

Since I got a trim, I decided to give the backyard lawn the same treatment. Now only I can make something so simple so complicated. First on my brother-in-law Alex’s suggestion, I bought a dethatching rake. While really effective, it’s hard work. If that wasn’t enough I had to sharpen the mower blades. That entailed removing the blade, clamping it down and taking a file to the edge to remove the large nicks. Then a final polish with a drill mounted stone.

It was all worth it because when I finished, Sandy brought me a calamansi Margarita.

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  1. Such a good set of pictures….the hair cut looks fabu!!!
    and it looks like you had a grand time getting that backyard lawn trimmed. By the way, love the latest fashion in eyewear…and the facial expression that went with it 🙂

  2. you’re wearing the same eyewear as dad is using now after his cataract laser procedure… good work, B-i-L!

  3. I swear I told you that de-thatching the lawn was hard work. Just think about all the calories burned plus a healthy lawn to add. May have to work on your de-thatching technique.

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