No where to go but the backyard today…
Category Archives: Photography
Minnie Pearl
As I mentioned previously we are burd sitting Minnie Pearl. I’ve forgotten how strange these burds can be.
Woman Bug
Saw this ladybug on a glass table in the backyard.
Ysabela Graduation
We celebrated Ysa graduation from University of Hawaii Hilo on Saturday via zoom.
Burdbrain Saturday
Today we saw a lot of burd activity. We also have a boarder….Minnie Pearl.
Ducky rejection
This morning we witnessed a lone duckling getting its butt kicked for trying to blend in with the new family. We believe that its mother was being chased & harassed so it wandered off on its own.
Distracted Driver
Yesterday while driving home I almost collided with a motorcyclist who adjusting his handlebar mounted phone… with both hands.
Blueberry Looting
Our blueberry bush is full of berries and with all the covid grocery store restrictions it brings out the worst in all us, which means only one thing… looting. I hope they get diarrhea. Crow looter Squirrel looter Robin looter Opossum looter Sandy harvested them to prevent more looting
Tarsier Monkey
A tarsier monkey photo from a 2006 Philippine vacation popped up during my screensaver so I thought I would revisit it and found a couple more.
Goodbye Uncle Pax
Today we said goodbye to Uncle Pax via zoom from San Diego.