About a year ago I purchased a Miltonia orchid at the hospital in Walnut Creek. The flowers were in bloom and I figured that will be the only time I see it, but unexpectedly it appears to be ready to bloom. I’d love to be able to tease my Father about this.
Category Archives: Uncategorized
This month I celebrate the 3 year anniversary of my blog. I still haven’t been able to move beyond the silly stuff we do and stupid duck humor.
Two Year Anniversary
I’ve kept it up for two years now! Uh my blog that is… I’m still writing about my simple life and all the wonderful friends and family that surround me. Special thanks to Jim for hosting and all the IT help. G²
Hello Crissy
Meet Criselva the 2009 2WD CRV.
Goodbye Nikki
Last night we traded the Nissan van, Nikki, for a Honda. She served us well over the past 5 years and 101K miles. Shot with my G10.
Winter Chill
I’ve been holding out on using the heater to save a bit of money and just to see who would complain first… I lost today. Boy did Sandy give me a hard time.
A new low
A far cry from earlier this year (June).
I sure hope today is the beginning of a new era in this country.
Compact Data
I’m getting ready for our Philippine trip. The last time we were there, Jim & I ran out of storage space and Jim had to purchase an external drive (thanks, Jim). This time I’m prepared with a 1.8″ Toshiba 100GB Hard Drive, which I’ll install in an external USB case.
Los Banõs
Filled up today in Los Banõs.