I get a kick outta buying calendars at 50% off this time of the year, when only the undesirable ones are left.

The life and times of a true knucklehead – No photos to be used without permission
I get a kick outta buying calendars at 50% off this time of the year, when only the undesirable ones are left.
Happened to look out this evening and the sun was just peeking out through the clouds. I grab my camera and ran out there. While setting things up I realized I wasn’t wearing a mask so I had to run back to the house. By the time I got back it was to late.
With no physical get togethers advised, we decided to do a communal cooking kinda thingie.
For lunch Tom bought 4 lbs of the biggest damn shrimp I’ve ever seen. He politely ask me to do the honors. I decided on a Hawaiian Garlic Scampi recipe.
Meanwhile Paul smoked some salmon & Brenda made some pecan pies.
For dinner we purchased a 3 bone hunk of rib roast. I wrapped it in cheese cloth for a few days to dry it out. Next greased it up and rubbed on some seasoning. After about 3 hrs @ 250° I scorched it @ 500° for 10 mins. I also made a Yorkshire pudding, Paul sauteed mushrooms & onions and Marika did garlic mashed potatoes. We all delivered our dishes and while I can only speak for myself, I feel very fat. This was not a good diet day.
I kept quiet about the rib bones, they’re in our frig, shhhh.
This is my last photo of 2020 shot @ what we like to call, the Pinky Beach. Hoping for a better 2021.
Woke up early as usual, but today the colors were intense. I didn’t have a location plan so I just ran out to the shore.
Here are some random fotos of this very strange Holiday season. I’ve discovered for whatever reason I’m drinking a bit more than normal.
Sandy got me a Japanese steak for Christmas. I’m so spoiled.
Woke up early but to my frustration, no color.
With all the bad 💩 that’s happening I needed something to cheer me up, so as an ongoing project I scheduled a few shoots with our neighbors for Christmas cards.
For us the sunset was horrible, but we had a limited number of weekend days before Christmas so we decided to go at the last minute. Sandy found a tree near the ferry terminal that had sort of a Christmas tree shape, so we brought some lights.
We got our communication mixed up so it was a bit too late in the evening to shoot Paul & Brenda, but I captured a great shot of them.
We had a great time with Tom, Marika, Keira, Dominic & Marcus, even if the street lights didn’t cooperate.
Eike & Spencer was my final shoot. Eike was the inspiration for this one. Our original shoot date was raining and she gave me the umbrella idea. Although as Sandy pointed out the umbrella looks a bit odd without any rain.
Inside the Westcott 7ft umbrella housed 2 Godox V1s & a strip light at their feet for a bit of fill.
I am trying to go out and shoot more than usual. Today I visited Martin Luther King shoreline park (would love to shoot an owl) and later to Mulford Point park.
If there is an asymmetrical tree in front of a setting sun I will find it.
On my walk last night I saw this tree and I liked the shape… or am I getting desperate to photograph something, anything.
While online shopping we found this…