I just love my postal carrier.
Clean Burd
Today Minnie Pearl received her 1st bath. We don’t think she was to happy about that.
Neighborhood Punks
All the evil things I did as a kid are coming back to haunt me. If I ever catch those punks in my yard…where’s my BB gun?
Oh wait it was Tami, Noah & Nico paying me a socially distanced visit.
No where to go but the backyard today…
I just wanted to repost a thank you tweet from our local PBS station, KQED. Pls click on the link below. See if you recognize anyone?
Minnie Pearl
As I mentioned previously we are burd sitting Minnie Pearl. I’ve forgotten how strange these burds can be.
Woman Bug
Saw this ladybug on a glass table in the backyard.
Ysabela Graduation
We celebrated Ysa graduation from University of Hawaii Hilo on Saturday via zoom.
Burdbrain Saturday
Today we saw a lot of burd activity. We also have a boarder….Minnie Pearl.
Ducky rejection
This morning we witnessed a lone duckling getting its butt kicked for trying to blend in with the new family. We believe that its mother was being chased & harassed so it wandered off on its own.