Last night’s party was the culmination of months of work. The 50th Wedding Anniversary/Daddy Birthday Party was a smash. I have to admit it was thrilling to be in the company of Her Excellency, President Gloria Arroyo.
My sincere apologies to my family for chickening out on the dance number. Based on my performance during our one rehearsal, I decided it would best to sit it out due to my physical retardation.
Having the Makati Shangri-la as a venue was definitely a perk. That was by far the nicest hotel I’ve ever stayed at.

Wow! Everyone looks fantastic! Did everyone get a pix with the Prez?
Fabulous! Thanks for sharing the pictures – we really wish we could have been there!!! It’s almost like being there – but of course by the way everyone looks so great – I’m sure it was incredible to be there. Thanks again!
You really nailed the shots, Grant. Beautiful! Like everyone else, we wish we had been there!
By the way, Sandy looks FABULOUS!
Grant, glad you were there to capture the highlights. What a festive evening! Will be looking for more pics!
hey, 1 more comment — one of my favorites, besides the picture w/ the Pres (which I think Auntie Fe looks more presidential!), is the photo of my mom (Puring) dancing and getting down with the teenagers! Still tsking and lamenting about not being there!!!! 🙁 but thanks to your photography, you brought the event to those who couldn’t be there 🙂 Thanks again!
Miss y’all! Southwestern Connecticut isn’t anything compared to the PI.