With no physical get togethers advised, we decided to do a communal cooking kinda thingie.
For lunch Tom bought 4 lbs of the biggest damn shrimp I’ve ever seen. He politely ask me to do the honors. I decided on a Hawaiian Garlic Scampi recipe.

Meanwhile Paul smoked some salmon & Brenda made some pecan pies.

For dinner we purchased a 3 bone hunk of rib roast. I wrapped it in cheese cloth for a few days to dry it out. Next greased it up and rubbed on some seasoning. After about 3 hrs @ 250° I scorched it @ 500° for 10 mins. I also made a Yorkshire pudding, Paul sauteed mushrooms & onions and Marika did garlic mashed potatoes. We all delivered our dishes and while I can only speak for myself, I feel very fat. This was not a good diet day.

I kept quiet about the rib bones, they’re in our frig, shhhh.