Author Archives: grant
Pork Sisig I
Allow me to get on a soap box for a minute. We appear to be in the minority in this world that wastes food. I get tired of the attitude, “Do you know what’s in a hot dog?” With that in mind… I like pork sisig so Sandy bought me the pig parts to experiment …
Tonight we met Uncle Russell and Aunty Sachi for dinner at Asena here in downtown Alameda. Let’s see pear martini, endive salad, gnocchi, panna cotta & liquored up coffee.
Blondie’s Ducklings
Sandy noticed that Blondie had a brood. When I happen upon them they were down to 5. Meanwhile I saw 3 Night Herons nearby.
Met Arlene for lunch today at Old Port Lobster Shack in Redwood City. The lobster rolls were great.
The day B4 July 4th eve…
July 2nd in other words. We all met at Jon & Kathy’s for an old fashioned BBQ party. As usual I spent too much time stuffing my face and laughing at high volumes and didn’t take any photos.
Mary Ann @ Kalesa
Mary Ann (Bunny) wuz in town so we met her at Kalesa in Milpitas for lunch. Now we just ate at Gerry’s on Friday so it’s been a Filipino food marathon. I have acquired a taste for pork sisig and refuse to go to a Filipino restaurant that doesn’t serve it.
Angry Burds
Those ding dang noisy burds. Night Heron territorial disputes and what I think is a female Robin obviously nagging her husband about a lack of high quality food. He searches frantically as the wife is yelling at him in the background. It was probably a mother looking to feed her baby burd, but I like …
Noah take III
Okay this is the 3rd attempt @ shooting Noah. Unfortunately I’m trying to set up my lighting for a very controlled situation and Noah’s position keeps changing therefore my lighting is all wrong. I’m learning a lot. My PC also had it’s MBR corrupted so I had to reload Win 7 and Photoshop is not …
Artificial Light
It’s all about the light. Unfortunately a lot of my photos are in very dim restaurant lighting. The onboard flash is not the best solution because of the direction & angle. So today I got an LED video light from an Ebay supplier. It has 160 white LEDs that are dimmable. Now natural light for …