We had a mini Italian reunion this morning at Yank Sing in San Francisco. The Dim Sum was excellent and of course it was great to see the Asato’s.
Author Archives: grant
Memorial Day 2011
I usually go to our local Veterans park to photograph the Memorial Day events, but this year I forgot and committed to a family outing in San Francisco. It didn’t feel right skipping this tradition, so I went out to the Golden Gate National Cemetery in San Bruno yesterday to shoot a few photos to …
Diver Down
The terns were daring me to shoot them. I could not for the life of me get a good shot so I made a composite.
Lazy Sunday
There should be a 3 day weekend every month. This lazy Sunday afternoon Sandy surprised me with a linguine & clam dish for lunch.
Nierva’s 2011
We rescheduled numerous times but finally got together with the Nierva’s at Angel Fish here in Alameda. The girls were adorable.
Sandy bought a chocolate chip cookie mix a while back and it’s been taunting me… so I made it.
Passing Duck
Our own Aflac duck, Ben, has been looking pretty dirty lately and yesterday, he had some nasty green crap. Tired of cleaning up after him, I chased him out of the backyard. I noticed he stumbled quite a bit. He just sat outside our fence all day and I mentioned to Sandy this didn’t look …
iPad Cam
Okay I’ve been trying to use my iPad camera and while I understand why they are so popular I absolutely cannot stand the image quality. It may not be apparent from these thumbnails but it is horrible in low light and the dynamic range even in good light is substandard. Of course what should I …
Portrait Night
We finally got to visit Tami & Chris. I really wanted to shoot Noah, but for whatever reason my shutter speed kept reverting and thus I got a lot of motion blur. Unfortunately my eyes are so bad now I couldn’t see the extent of til I got home. I’ll have plenty of other opportunities …
Los Angeles weekend
We had a busy weekend down in LA. Along with visiting with my Ma, we managed to get together with Barry who was in town for a convention. I haven’t seen him in 16 years. The Original Pancake House on Pacific Coast Highway was a great find. I love the Apple Pancake. We also revisited …