In anticipation of lunch at the new Indian restaurant on the west side, we decided to eat a small breakfast. That means… yes Korean Spam from Freda.
Author Archives: grant
In recent years we haven’t seen very many ducklings grow to become adults. When they are hatched the ducklings are led to water within the first 24 hours. This is when we see them, all nice a fluffy and unfortunately bite size. We try not to get too excited as they only live for a …
Saw it on the garage door, had to shoot it.
Pee Wee
The baby birds we cared for are a species called Black Phoebe. The weaker of the three didn’t make it. Sandy named him Pee Wee. PW was buried last weekend and was given a proper burial complete with calla lily grave marker.
Fowl Family
They started out at 9 and now down to 7, which explains why Mom looks so stressed. Unfortunately they are still bite size.
Injecting Color
Tired of the drab lower patio we planted some flowers to add a bit of color.
Burd Raising
Last night I heard a thump outside our door. When I opened the door I found 3 chicks in a half destroyed nest. Obviously they were from that stupid punk bird that made a nest over our porch light. Bird crap aside, we spent the evening going to the pet store to purchase bird food …
3 Day weekend
Today we had Sandy’s co-workers, Andrea & Teddy, over for lunch. Oh and Teddy’s GF the lovely Christine.
Cupcake diet
The best thing about having Arlene over for lunch… eating her cupcakes for breakfast the next morning.
Work Lunch
Today we had a lunch for my co-workers. We gave them a choice of pork ribs, mashed potatoes, beans or smoked duck risotto with a fennel and a grilled halloumi cheese salad.