7D ISO 800 f5.6 1/2000th of a second.
Author Archives: grant
Sandy made a dinner date with Diane and I just barged in. This is the 2nd time I’ve been to Otaez.
Just arrived today, a case of Navarro. I’m ready for Mutha’s Day.
Duck Real Estate
It’s that time of the year again when all the ducks come into town and search for nesting sites. We see them in the strangest places. Kinda reminds me of HGTV’s House Hunters, or should I say DTV. I hope they’re not victims of the subprime duck mortgages. Nest foreclosures aren’t pretty.
Get your ding dang camera!
While we were out in the backyard, I spotted a humming bird close to Sandy where she was pruning the bushes. She yelled at me to get the camera. I responded as I usually do, “By the time I get the camera it’ll be gone”. She didn’t take “No” for an answer. What I did …
Farmers Saturday
Yesterday we checked out our local farmers market. Sandy picked up an orchid, quail eggs and tinapa, which she prepared for dinner… the fish not the orchid.
Burd Squatters
A pair of stupid burds decided to construct a 3 bedroom condo right outside our front door directly atop our porch light, without permits. The result is alot of burd crap! I started to build a profile. I believe they are sparrows. The male is middle-aged, plain looking. Most likely a victim of a crime …
Every time I drive to and from Fed Ex (about once a week) I see at least one pelican in this estuary by the Oakland airport. So today I finally brought my camera and shot a few pictures. What I didn’t expect was for them to be feeding. I ended up shooting 123 photos. Needless …
BAT Sandwich
I’m reduced to eating bats now. Actually for whatever reason we decided to have sandwiches for dinner so I decided to make a Bacon, Arugula & Tomato sandwich.
Phò Weather
Whenever the days are cloudy and cold we look at each other and simultaneously say,”It’s Phò weather.” Sandy orders something different with each visit, me I order the same thing over and over. A small #10 (tai nam sach) with chicken wings.