I finally got some time to work on Rick & Jennifer’s Wedding photos. The Wedding & Ceremony were held at Holman Ranch, a lovely venue. The Wii theme throughout was incredibly cute. It ended all too quickly.
Author Archives: grant
Gr8t 2B 8
Today marks our 8th year together. I can’t say I’ve ever been happier. Time flies when you’re having fun! Sandy is the best thing that ever happened to me. I love you Hunny.
Jen & Rick Wed
Rick & Jen got married at Holman Ranch in the Carmel Valley this afternoon. The venue had great views and the food was just wonderful. I have to fly out Monday on a day trip, so I’ll work on the photos as soon as I get home.
Random Photo of the Week 13
Carnaval 2006
Today we were lucky to get a visit from Pearl & Jerry on their way to Santa Cruz. We prepared lunch and were entertained by Jack n Jenna.
Random Photo of the Week 12
August 2002
Company Picnic
It was one of those rare occasions when I get together with my coworkers. There are only 3 of us in Northern California. We grilled an assortment of good eats – country style boneless pork ribs, salmon with curry sauce and mixed veggies. We filled our guts and had some stimulating conversation. Oh, Taylor was …
Chris & Tami Wed
Last night we were part of a heartwarming event, the Yuen Wedding. The ceremony was held at the Japanese Tea Garden in San Mateo. Tami was a gorgeous bride. Unfortunately lighting conditions were horrible and therefore I didn’t get much in the way of pictures. The reception was a few miles away at the Hillsborough …
Canon SD800
Contrary to what my Sister IL believes, I make note of when Sandy’s photos are used not because I want to separate myself from her point and shoot camera, but to show that you don’t need a big monster camera to take good pictures. Now that we’re home and I’m looking through Sandy’s shots I …
Manila Randomness
We are now home and full of jetlaggedness. Here are some random photos that didn’t make the blog earlier. They are photos taken by Tante, Sandy, Pinky, the official Presidential photographer and a couple of panos by me. I’d like to take this time to thank our family and friends for making this vacation so wonderful, …