Weather has been bad the past couple of days. During a break when the sun popped out I shot the hummers.
Author Archives: grant
My 1st attempt at making one of my favorite breads was a face down in the dirt fail. It was flat, raw in the center and burnt on the edges. Sandy encouraged me to try again. As it turns out that was a case of bad/old yeast. This morning my 2nd attempt came out so …
Federation Brewing
I stopped by Federation Brewing to pickup a few for Happy Hour.
Hitachino & Einstök
Sandy brought a beer/whiskey (?) home yesterday. I will share that at the next happy hour. I’m also working on my setup so I can photograph these quickly, so I shot one of my favorite Einstök Porter & a Don Papa Rum.
Noisy Bald Eagle shoot
I went out early to shoot the sunrise but it was horrible. On my way back home one of the bald eagles flew over my head. I took that as a signal and grabbed my other camera and headed out. Unfortunately the sun light was dim so I had the ISO cranked up to 2000, …
Firestone Beer
I found a 12% beer. This should fit in quite well for next Happy Hour.
Eagles ghosted me
Since I was lucky enough to spot the Eagles yesterday I knew I wouldn’t see them today. They were uncooperative models. You get what you paid for I guess.
Eagle Scout
During happy hour last night Jenny gave me an idea of where to photograph the Alameda Bald Eagles. These photos aren’t that great, but I can see how this can become an obsession with me.
Oakland United Beerworks
For today’s happy hour I picked up a few in Oakland. Alan gave me few to take home as well.
Pan De Cristal
youtube is a blessing and a curse. You can learn so much, but they make it look so easy. I’ve always wanted to make bread and I found a recipe. It kneads more work, but I’m getting there.