Four VC Gold Medalist palying at the same time. Jose Feghali(1985), Stanislav Ioudenitch(2001), Olga Kern(2001), Jon Nakamatsu(1997).
Author Archives: grant
After all Jon is a loser
A speech Jon gave at the Van Cliburn this past June… or should we say confession?
Holy Pancit #5
Last week Mommy dropped off a Filipino Songbook. There are 1164 pages and she asked me to memorize them by her next visit! Ricky, Sil I’m gonna need some help!
Earplugs please
Jon’s new CD is out – Gershwin: Piano Concerto in F/Rhapsody in Blue in C. I sure hope he’s not gonna sing on this one. Looking for more punishment
For the love of Burds
One of the really great things about living here is the incredible sights right outside our backdoor. Uh kinda like the discovery channel without the cable cost. It’s truly a circle of life that’s both fascinating and heartbreaking. Difficult as it is, we try not to interfere with the flow of Mother Nature. I’m here just to …
Itsy bitsy Spider
Went out back the other day and happened to notice a 7-legged Alameda Backyard Deck Spider. Reminded me of a King Crab so I had to photograph it.
And the Winner is…
After careful review of Sandy’s Birthday images. I’d have to say that Rhea gets 1st prize for best photo. This is by far the best shot I’ve ever seen of Ysabela.
Happy Birthday, Honey!
A day spent in the city, with Lunch at Popeye’s
Smith Rock State Park
On a recent business trip to Central Oregon, I had some time to kill so I drove out to Smith Rock State Park. I wasn’t able to stay very long but I did manage to take a few of panos with my Canon G7.
Recently we had the pleasure of a visit from my good friend Dawn-Baby and her wonderful son, “Quinton” (that’s how I pronounce it). We shoved everyone (Delores, Sean & his wife Rachel) into the van and had a great lunch at Half Moon Bay. I only managed to snap a few shots. We look forward …