Sow Bug/Woodlouse/Pill Bug/Roly Poly

Noticed a sow bug on the ground while I was working in the yard… So I shot em. I can’t tell you how difficult this is. The front element of my lens (M-PE 65mm) is so close and every time it moves, I have to shift the tray then refocus. It’s a pain in the …

Birthday Lunch 2015

This year I wanted to do something different for my birthday. I wanted to relive the living under one roof, rent-a-house (Half Moon Bay) in Italy type thing. Well that didn’t quite work out so we decided on lunch instead. Luckily Rick’s friend, Francisco owns Flavors in HMB so off we went. Food was excellent, …

Happy Valentines Day 2015

I have to give myself these projects in order to be a more rounded fotog. So last night I had Sandy fling some wine (backyard) in an attempt to create a heartshaped pattern in honor of V-Day. This is not original, I got the idea from Gavin Hoey via the Adorama channel on youtube. This …