Just as we were about to leave for LA there was a flurry of burd activity. We spent so much time observing them it delayed our departure. We were happy to see a brood of new ducklings, 10 of them to be exact.
Category Archives: Animals
Ugly Duck
Ben will never win any beauty contests.
12 mins 84 photos
Weekend morning ritual, coffee, cam, lagoon. Followed by a duck shoot….
70º Spring Day
After dumping my cup of coffee all over the kitchen counter, I did my morning ritual of watering the plants & sitting by the water with camera in tow waiting for something to happen. We’re finalizing Mutha’s Day menu which meant taking a trip down to San Leandro to visit with some piggy’s. In the …
Predators vs Ducklings
Saw a couple of Night Herons today. That only means one thing… there must be some ducklings around. Remember what happened last year?
Quick Duck
It’s that time of the year again. We see ducks in the the most usual places as they are looking for nest sites.
New neighbors
Tami & Chris are moving to Alameda. Since today is moving day we got to dogsit with Koa. I’ve learned a few thing about Koa: The first thing we did was to let her outside in the backyard. That was a mistake. She immediately pursued the ducks right into the lagoon and refused to come …
Had to travel to Reno and there are a limited number of flights, so I decided to drive. I stopped over to see Jimi & Amy… okay I wanted to meet Maverick. Oh Jimi made an outstanding 4 course dinner, whatever. Maverick! They also have 3 fat kats. It’ll take 4 washings to get rid …
Duck Dominance
I don’t follow any sports but I have to admit I like watching a good fight. I got tired of cleaning up after Ben Aflac by the back door so I tried to feed him at the lower patio. Well the other ducks caught wind of this and decided to swarm him. Apparently violence is …
Murphy II
On an impromptu invitation we went over to the Paul & Brenda’s for a little football & food. While neither of us care for football it was nice to get together with our neighbors and Sandy wanted to hang with Murphy.