7D ISO 800 f5.6 1/2000th of a second.
Category Archives: Animals
Duck Real Estate
It’s that time of the year again when all the ducks come into town and search for nesting sites. We see them in the strangest places. Kinda reminds me of HGTV’s House Hunters, or should I say DTV. I hope they’re not victims of the subprime duck mortgages. Nest foreclosures aren’t pretty.
Get your ding dang camera!
While we were out in the backyard, I spotted a humming bird close to Sandy where she was pruning the bushes. She yelled at me to get the camera. I responded as I usually do, “By the time I get the camera it’ll be gone”. She didn’t take “No” for an answer. What I did …
Burd Squatters
A pair of stupid burds decided to construct a 3 bedroom condo right outside our front door directly atop our porch light, without permits. The result is alot of burd crap! I started to build a profile. I believe they are sparrows. The male is middle-aged, plain looking. Most likely a victim of a crime …
Every time I drive to and from Fed Ex (about once a week) I see at least one pelican in this estuary by the Oakland airport. So today I finally brought my camera and shot a few pictures. What I didn’t expect was for them to be feeding. I ended up shooting 123 photos. Needless …
Road Trip
Had to go to Porterville the other day. Stopped off at Traver Cafe 99 for dinner and to check out some of their animals. That son of a biscuit almost got my camera!
Cheese it
I had a trip to Sonora today and I turned off the road immediately when I saw the Oakdale Cheese Factory. I bought myself a bag of Gouda Cheese Curds. As I strolled out back I saw a number of of farm animals. You think they make llama cheese? I don’t wanna be the one …
As I was out this morning watering the plants this stupid Humming Bird kept taunting me. So I shot him… 105 times. That’s not an easy task as those little b*stards are really fast.
Burd in the Oven
This morning I came into the kitchen and found Judy at the oven. My guess is that she wanted to free my lunch time chicken from its fiery death or she was trying to turn the heat down to ruin the crispy skin to spite me.
Damn SPAM & Flying Burd
Last night, we decided that we would eat breakfast at home instead of going out since as Sandy put it, “We have some SPAM that’s been in the cupboard for some time.” As I was preparing breakfast this morning I happen to glance at the bottom of the can… If I fail to update my …