During happy hour last night Jenny gave me an idea of where to photograph the Alameda Bald Eagles. These photos aren’t that great, but I can see how this can become an obsession with me.
Category Archives: Animals
Great Blue Heron sunning
Saw the local great blue heron this morning on our walk. It was holding it’s wings in an unusual posture. I hope it’s just trying to absorb the sun rather than an injury.
Christmas 2022
Christmas was at Jon & Kathy’s.
LA Dec 2022
We went down south to visit my Ma and in between cleaning details we managed to eat & socialize a bit. Our 1st night we had a small snack at Bomb Chicken. We stayed with Don & Hester but all throughout during breakfast I had to feeling we were unwelcome by Mr Squirrel. For lunch …
Squirrel Looter Busted
He will deny it, but I have a record proof. There’s a $500.00 reward to any tip that will lead to an arrest. Follow up: A week and a half later I found the apple 🍎 wedged in a nearby tree. I’ve never seen this type of squirrel behavior before.
Hummer Up Close
While changing their food I decided to hangout to see if I could get close. Hummingbirds need to eat every 15 minutes, so I thought I could wait em out.
RIP Minnie Pearl
Sadly tonight Minnie passed away.
La Familia Glamping
Its been a few years (2017) since we did any camping with the family, so we were lucky enough to have Cait make rezzies (in March) at Costanoa KOA. Sadly Cait and family couldn’t make it. Upon arrival we settled in and had a 6:30 appointment for wine tasting followed by a 7:30 dinner rezzie …
Oakland Zoo 2022
We haven’t been there since 2009 so what better time to go than now. The usual obstacles, fences, bad light and sleepy models. Not to mention squirrels & crows that think part of the zoo experience. Map courtesy of the Oakland Zoo.
New Brood 2022
This morning we finally have 8 new duckies. We’ve been waiting all month. Of course as soon as they jumped into the water they were attacked by another Momma. In the end they didn’t make it past the 48 hour mark, which is typical for inexperienced mothers. That’s why we never get too attached.