No I don’t like Judy, but the light that was cast on her this evening was excellent.
Category Archives: Animals
The light-colored duckling is now full-grown and she is noticeably different. We call her Blondie.
The holidays must be around the corner because today I saw the Holiday Hawk.
Mr. Mean Duck
Since we feed the ducks everyday, I’ve noticed there has emerged a bully. This mean duck will attack any other duck that goes for the food. Nothing serious, just a tug on the wing or behind the neck. Sandy doesn’t like all this duck violence. We’re looking for a duck psychologist to get him some therapy.
Duck Pigs
Photo on the left was taken on 6/27/07. Photo on the right is from today, same ducks. The mother is now pushed out to the back in the daily scramble for food. They are scratch eating machines, or should I say pigs! Soon enough, these pigs will learn to fly.
Idaho 2007
This year’s short vacation was in Idaho, home of Famous Potatoes. We planned this to coincide with the chamber music series at the Sun Valley Lodge in which Jon was playing. We rarely get to see Jon so we decided to tag along. We flew into Boise and drove 2½ hours to Sun Valley. Now …
Triplets update
It’s been almost a month since we first saw them and the triplets appear to be doing well. There seems to be a light color mutation on the far duckling. We don’t see that very often; usually they’re carbon copies of each other.
Nankeen Danny?
I spotted what looked like a Danny in a red turtleneck the other day; this is a 1st. From what very little research I’ve done, I believe it’s a Nankeen Night Heron. I can’t imagine what he’s doing way out here. Must be the presence of so many ducklings on the lagoon. For night herons, …
Moving in
This lagoon is getting crowded. I’m envisioning some territorial duck violence in the near future.
When the Snowy Egret is stressed from work (lots of Egret politics), he goes fishing to relax. He does not practice catch and release though.