Geo had a stay over in SFO so we made a trip up to Napa. We also got to met his beautiful girlfriend, Azalea. Brunch at Redd was excellent.
Category Archives: Family
Easter 2018
Easter 2018 was the 1st time we had a get together at Chris & Tami’s new place.
Tawny’s Birthday 2018
We just happen to be in LA and crashed Tawny Birthday dinner. Osawa was incredible. Thanks for dinner Drew
New Years Day 2018
New Years Day dinner at the Ikedas.
Xena the Wunder Dog
Shot a couple of Xena portraits after dinner at the Inouye’s.
Thanksgiving 2017
As usual Thanksgiving at Aunty Amy’s. So busy eating I only took 2 photos.
Nico’s Birthday 2017
Nico turned 4 today. Tami tells us he has been asking for days if it was his birthday yet.
LA Nov 2017
We went down to LA and on our way back up we met the newlywed couple Drew & Tawny for lunch at Forage. There was no wait and the food was great. We also received a couple of gifties from Japan.
Sierra Mar
We talked & talked about it and it finally happened. We met Jon & Kathy at Sierra Mar for lunch. The view from the dining area are great…except the day we went you could not see a damn thing. It was as if someone put a grey sheet in front of the panoramic windows. We …
Yuen Halloween Shoot 2017
As always I have grand ideas for a photoshoot with the boys. It never works out that way. They are just too excited, hyper & don’t take directions. I thought a smoke machine would be cool for the Ninja shots, that was til Koa started attacking the smoke. I wish I would have gotten a …