Our family holiday parties have changed quite a bit from the past. There is a constant roar of the kids running from room to room shooting each other with laser & fart guns.
Category Archives: Family
Nakamatsu Christmas Eve Party 2015
The tradition continues. Aunty Karen’s rents out Jon’s place for her party. After I shot Jasmyn’s foto I handed her my camera…
Yuen 2015 Christmas Photoshoot
I scheduled a Christmas photoshoot with the Yuen’s. I choose a bridge behind the local shopping center. As usual nothing went as planned & we just went with the flow. Composite
Oyar 2015 Christmas Shoot
Today I had an appointment to shoot Matt, Cait & Ethan.
Thanksgiving 2015
As tradition dictates we celebrated Thanksgiving at Aunty Amy’s house. With 4 boys & 1 more on the way the holidays will become more chaotic than ever.
I watched Jon play last Friday in Fremont. I would struggle to explain the experience to anyone. It’s one thing to listen to a CD, but to be there live and witness his speed & accuracy you can’t fully comprehend it. I would give my left arm to have a tenth of this talent… oh …
Nico’s 2nd Birthday
Couch it
I’ve wanted to recreate this photograph from the 60s for a long time. Well since we were all together for Aunty Elaine’s memorial now was the time. Of course no chance my brothers would be there so we had John, Marc & Chimby stand in.
Yuen Halloween Shoot
This year Noah & Nico went with a Star Wars theme. I was happy to shoot this… well actually it was quite a bit of work. Because it is difficult to predict these kids movement I choose to shoot them individually and composite them into a scene. Of course right in the middle of the …
Nuf sed… I wish I had 1/10th of his talent.