Happy Birthday Jen. We celebrated at Rick & Jen’s, enjoyed bacon wrapped filets & blew off some steam with Beatles Rock Band. Unfortunately I never got a good shot of Jen.
Category Archives: Family
Relaxing Saturday
Sandy & Kathy went to do some girly girly shopping while I did some manly blogging action. We did get to meet for lunch at Bowsers Pizza and followed that up with a “small” gelato from TuttiMelon.
Labor Day 2009
This year we had a small get together, just family & dogs of course.
Sandy’s Photos
Just got a hold of Sandy’s photos from her little SD880. As usual she’s making me look bad.
The In-laws
I’ve been submerged up to my neck with in-laws. They’re sleeping all over the house. There’s a constant noise level sun up to sun down. My niece Maxie has not yet learned to use her “inside voice”. I’m cooking for 9. And as much as I try to convince them how much of a pain …
Happy AnniBirthery Party kinda thingie
August is a busy month. Let’s see there’s Rick’s Birthday, Chris & Tami’s Anniversary, Jon’s Birthday, Rick & Jen’s Anniversary & our Anniversary. So we decided to combine all these wonderful events in San Mateo at the Kingfish Restaurant… when Jon wasn’t available.
All’s fine @ 9
Today we celebrated our 9th year together. Wedded bliss I tell you. Well, that’s what she told me to say. We had dinner at Angel Fish, courtesy of Mommie. We’ll do a big celebration on Saturday… more on that later.
Kung Anniversary
Happy Anniversary Brother Rick & Jen. That 1st year goes by fast.
Mommie’s Here
Tonight Mommie flew in from Manila. If you’ve never met anyone at the SF International Terminal, there is a video monitor that gives you a hint your visitor has just cleared customs and is on their way out.
Yuen Anniversary
Last Sunday was Chris & Tami’s one year Anniversary.