According to Billboard, Jon’s new CD is now #8. Those 5 CDs I bought at the flea market must have paid off… funny they were in a Kenny Rogers case.
Category Archives: Family
Happy Father’s Day
Happy Father’s Day to all you fathers out there, but especially mine. Man did he put up with a lot of *&%$ raising me. Thanks Dad, I love you. Photo circa 1976, Honolulu.
Now I don’t mean for this to become a Jon… uh whatz his name website, but damn I’m proud of him, #13 this week. I look forward to our trip midsummer, hopefully I’ll get the chance to photograph him performing. I’ve been trying for years and this is the best I’ve got, which is pretty bad.
Another You Tube Video?
Four VC Gold Medalist palying at the same time. Jose Feghali(1985), Stanislav Ioudenitch(2001), Olga Kern(2001), Jon Nakamatsu(1997).
After all Jon is a loser
A speech Jon gave at the Van Cliburn this past June… or should we say confession?
Holy Pancit #5
Last week Mommy dropped off a Filipino Songbook. There are 1164 pages and she asked me to memorize them by her next visit! Ricky, Sil I’m gonna need some help!
Earplugs please
Jon’s new CD is out – Gershwin: Piano Concerto in F/Rhapsody in Blue in C. I sure hope he’s not gonna sing on this one. Looking for more punishment
And the Winner is…
After careful review of Sandy’s Birthday images. I’d have to say that Rhea gets 1st prize for best photo. This is by far the best shot I’ve ever seen of Ysabela.
Happy Birthday, Honey!
A day spent in the city, with Lunch at Popeye’s