Still another gloomy day. I spent the morning trying to record one of my favorite songs, Wahine Ilikea, on my 4 track recorder. Man this is tough. Just when you think that your voice isn’t all that bad… you record it. Holy smoke, I need some vocal lessons! I also worked on my Nakamastu Christmas …
Category Archives: Holidays
Vacashun Day 2
Another wet day. I had great aspirations about this vacation, driving all over Northern California taking billions of photos. I did start on the layout of my gag gift, more on that later. I then started to work on a musical recording. I finished the day with a trip to the grocery store to make …
Vacashun Day 1
It’s wet and gloomy out, so I’ve spent the entire morning chasing the coots outta our backyard. Now I’ve got green coot crap all over my shoes.
Happy Burd Day
This year, we had Thanksgiving dinner at Jennifer and Rick’s. The food was excessive and delicious. As usual, I spent too much time eating & laughing so only a few pix were taken.
The holidays must be around the corner because today I saw the Holiday Hawk.
Labor Day
This year’s Labor Day picnic was held at Vasona Park. We engaged in large quantities of food, competitive badminton and napping. Unfortunately I hardly shot any pix.
4th of July 2007
This year we decided to go to the City to watch the fireworks, relax and be tourists. Sandy booked us a room at the Sheraton one block from Pier 39. We strolled the Fisherman’s Wharf and had a tasty lunch at In N’ Out. We got our exercise on a long walk out to Fort …