I think this Cormorant was on time out because usually, we see them in large groups.
Category Archives: Photography
Working hard…again
It’s the budget crunch right now, so Sandy is working hard and late again. So tonight I treated her to salmon with spicy cucumber & pineapple salsa. She didn’t want to be in the photo. 🙁
H²O wanted
We had a brief rain spell the other night. We need the water… makes for some cool pix too!
Grizzly Peak revisited
Today after a call in Walnut Creek I drove up to Grizzly Peak Road. Just before 2:00, a terrible time to do this, sun right in my face. Regardless I decided to try another pano. Canon G7 – ISO 200 – 1/500th @ f8
Golden Gate
After finishing up work in San Rafael, I drove to the GG for a little exploration. Typically I only view this beautiful landmark when we have out of town visitors, but today I was in the mood for some photos and just by chance the Blue Angels were practicing for their Fleet Week Show. The …
Golden Cockatiel
No I don’t like Judy, but the light that was cast on her this evening was excellent.
The light-colored duckling is now full-grown and she is noticeably different. We call her Blondie.
The holidays must be around the corner because today I saw the Holiday Hawk.
Back to School
Last night we ventured back to high school… for a performance by Jon at Hogan High in Vallejo. It was a wonderful concert. The orchestra sounded great. Jon invited us to his dressing room which was actually a classroom. So while waiting for the show to end we had some foto-fun.
Labor Day
This year’s Labor Day picnic was held at Vasona Park. We engaged in large quantities of food, competitive badminton and napping. Unfortunately I hardly shot any pix.