All aboard for biscuits and gravy at the driving range

This morning we were honored by a visit from Tita Flor. We picked her up at the Jack London Square Amtrak station and she treated us to breakfast at our local Chuck Corica Golf Course. I couldn’t finish my biscuits and gravy, the portions were huge! Sandy had the waffles and Tita Flor had an …


Now I don’t mean for this to become a Jon… uh whatz his name website, but damn I’m proud of him, #13 this week. I look forward to our trip midsummer, hopefully I’ll get the chance to photograph him performing. I’ve been trying for years and this is the best I’ve got, which is pretty bad.

For the love of Burds

One of the really great things about living here is the incredible sights right outside our backdoor. Uh kinda like the discovery channel without the cable cost. It’s truly a circle of life that’s both fascinating and heartbreaking. Difficult as it is, we try not to interfere with the flow of Mother Nature. I’m here just to …