Lazy Saturday

Today we met Aunty Amy, Cait, Chris, Tami & Noah at the Blue Dot Cafe & Coffee Bar for a late breakfast. Then we brought Aunty Amy to the local farmers market and we walked away with a carnivorous orchid which I have yet to ID. While photographing the orchid, I happened to look down at a Spotted Tussock Moth Caterpillar. I spent the next 10 minutes trying in vain to capture its image. It wouldn’t sit still and it reminded me of a sheep dog. It was very difficult to see its face.

Wait it’s got the same hair as Noah. I hope Noah doesn’t turn into a moth. Tami if Noah starts to weave a cocoon please call 911.

Honolulu Oct 2011

Semi annual maintenance is what brought me to the islands this time. Or maybe it was the ramen. For whatever reason lately I’ve been on this ramen kick and my photos reflect this trend. I finally got my free cup of coffee from the Honolulu Coffee Company, it only took 2 years to accomplish this.

I did manage to see Christy & Dan at an all too short breakfast at Zippy’s Makiki.

Lake Tahoe 2011

We finally went up to Lake Tahoe after putting it off for so many months. Other than the beauty of the area we wanted to visit Jimi & Amy (Maverick too). Unfortunately for us Amy was down in the bay area and Jimi’s availability was limited, so we made the best of the Tahoe scene by ourselves. The weather was great, cold in the morning and quite warm in the afternoon.

The hike down to Emerald Bay was nice and easy. Coming back up about killed us. We had to stop numerous times pretending to take photos when were really catching our breath.

Vikingsholm at the edge of Emerald Bay.

Stitched Panorama

Fanette Island in the middle of the bay.

Needless to say we did stop by while Jimi was working at Kalani’s.

The following afternoon Jimi took us to Taylor Creek to view the Kokanee Salmon spawn (fish porn). It was a bit upsetting to find out that as soon as the salmon bury their eggs the Mallards dig em up and eat em.

Maverick had to stay home as he is prone to jumping in the water and pulling the fish out only to lick them. He’s not a killer.

Whoops forgot about the fotos from Sandy’s camera…