
S100 just got announced. I anticipated this so my S95 ebay auction will end in less than a day. Meanwhile I pre-ordered the S100 at Amazon.

What’s new you ask?

  • New Digic 5 image processor 6X faster than previous one. Better noise reduction & higher dynamic range.
  • Lens is f/2.0  a 24-120mm equivalent from a 28-105mm .
  • Canon made CMOS sensor with better microlenses.
  • ISO 6400 max.
  • 9.6 fps in the burst mode jpeg only.
  • Full 1024 video which I could care less about.
  • Built in GPS.


As the 10-year anniversary approached, I wanted to commemorate those who died by photographing the Flight 93 memorial in Union City. I’ve investigated this place earlier and noticed all the up lights so I came last Friday to shoot a nightshot. Unfortunately they did not illuminate the memorial like I thought they would.

Labor Intensive 2011

As it is customary we celebrated Labor Day at our place. We had the family over armed with appetizers and we served a smoked duck appetizer as well. On the menu kalua pork with pechay, grilled ribs, steak salad. Kathy brought over a tofu salad. For desert Aunty Janet brought a great high calorie Okinawan purple potato hoapia pie and I made chocolate martinis. As usual we were so focused on the food I didn’t take any photos. Oh and I was on call and didn’t know it til my phone started ringing.