
I’m sure by now most of you are getting tired of all these duck tales. But I’m fascinated by their behavior.

This morning, I fed Blondie & Chewy. Chewy is at that awkward teenager stage, half fuzz half feathers. As they were eating there was an intruder and while I was laughing and shooting at the same time I captured a immature duck defending its food from a much older larger duck. Blondie is teaching Chewy.

Killer Duck

Yesterday on our daily ducky count we noticed Luz was down from 8 to 2. We also noticed that 4 floating dead duckies. We never seen this before as usually they are eaten by the carnivores. Sandy’s suspicions were correct as this morning I photographed Blondie trying to drown the ducklings.

Blogging delay

A loyal reader asked me today about the lack of updates on the blog. Allow me to explain…
I wanted to upgrade my PC from the old duo core E6700 to a new i7 960. Problem is I bought a used motherboard via Amazon and I as was about to install it I noticed the CPU socket pins were bent. The seller refutes this claim and I had to send it off to the manufacturer for a third opinion. Until then I’m using Sandy’s PC which doesn’t have Adobe Photoshop. But I should post anyway.