Pork Sisig I

Allow me to get on a soap box for a minute. We appear to be in the minority in this world that wastes food. I get tired of the attitude, “Do you know what’s in a hot dog?” With that in mind…

I like pork sisig so Sandy bought me the pig parts to experiment with the dish on my own. I know it doesn’t sound good but trust me this is to die for.

1. Boil the pig’s face in water with bay leaf, salt, whole peppercorns & garlic.

2. Remove and toss in a marinade of soy sauce, vinegar & kalamansi juice.

3. Throw on a grill while periodically brushing with the reserved marinade.

4. Remove from the grill and chop into small pieces.

5. Throw in an iron skillet with diced onion and toss until you get a fair amount of caramelization.

Total time 3 hrs.

As Sandy enjoys it, I quietly pat myself on the back. That is until I realize she’ll never order pork sisig in a restaurant again and I’ll have to prepare it for her anytime she wants.

Angry Burds

Those ding dang noisy burds. Night Heron territorial disputes and what I think is a female Robin obviously nagging her husband about a lack of high quality food. He searches frantically as the wife is yelling at him in the background.

It was probably a mother looking to feed her baby burd, but I like my story better.

Artificial Light

It’s all about the light. Unfortunately a lot of my photos are in very dim restaurant lighting. The onboard flash is not the best solution because of the direction & angle. So today I got an LED video light from an Ebay supplier. It has 160 white LEDs that are dimmable. Now natural light for me always looks better but sometimes there just isn’t enough of it. I will try this tomorrow when we go out for dinner in Union City… poor Sandy.