Yes another 24hrs in Honolulu. All this travel is killing me. Here’s some random stuff.

The life and times of a true knucklehead – No photos to be used without permission
Yes another 24hrs in Honolulu. All this travel is killing me. Here’s some random stuff.
I bought Sandy a blueberry plant and never took it out of the original pot thinking I would kill it. Today we got 1 whole blueberry. I am the man!
While at the Tofu Festival yesterday I purchased a box of Harajuku Mochi Chocolat. This was based purely on its description–strawberry filled mochi with a dusting of chocolate. It looks like horse turds, but man this is a good find…
Today we went into Japan Town in San Francisco to check out the Tofu Festival. Later we went to Sapporo-Ya for a Ramen lunch.
I don’t recall for as long as we lived here, a whole flock (20 or so) of Egrets nesting in one of the trees on the island. It was difficult to get a good angle as they were so high.
If you didn’t know, Sandy teaches Sunday school at the local church. Apparently on the last day of school one of her students presented her with a portrait. Uh I don’t know if I see the likeness, nonetheless it was very thoughtful.
One of my Father’s orchids bloomed, so I decided to photograph it. 11 shot image stack in CS4.
Today we had brunch at Pappos, then followed that with an X men movie.
Today we celebrated Sandy’s Birthday. I suggested going to Taco Bell and she could order anything off the dollar menu… She instead wanted to go to Tribu in Union City.
Flew in around noon, done by 5. I had to fly 2400 mi just to have dinner with Teddy & Christine.
Flew out at 1:15PM in pouring rain. Have a nice vacation Teddy & Christine.