Every first Sunday of the month, general admission to the Oakland Museum is free, so we thought we would take this opportunity to check it out. We only viewed 1 of the 3 levels. We are saving the rest for when our visitors show up.
Mac & Cheese
In preparation for the upcoming holiday visitors. We needed to get some menu items in order. So tonight I tried a Langostino Mac & Cheese dish.
It was suppose to be Lobster M&C but that’s too good for our guests. I wonder if I can get artificial lobster meat? Probably next to the cheese whiz, aisle 7.
LED Lights
I have 31 landscape lights in the backyard and while they are 12VDC they still consume some power. In an effort to use less power I tried 10watt bulbs, but they didn’t seem to last very long. I also tried 5 watt CFL bulbs but quality control was spotty (some bright some very dim). I tried multiple LED bulbs but they were not bright enough. I even tried high priced 5 watt LED bulb but they cast a blue color. Now after many attempts I found a 60 SMD LED bulb that cast a warm light and consumes only 4 watts rather than the 20 watt incandescent ones. Pretty geeky eh? But going from a total of 620 watts to 124 watts is pretty ding dang cool.
Sleepless in Redding
Got stuck in Redding, nothing to do… went to the Sundial Bridge at night.
On the drive back I stopped to photograph some Pronghorn thingies. I wished I had my big cam. No compact camera I’ve ever had does well at that end of the optical range.
Had a call in Sonora today and while driving through Oakdale I spotted this sign. I don’t what kind of business they run, but I was intrigued. Perhaps next time.
Excess Turkey
What do I do with all that smoked turkey I made over the weekend? Turkey potpie what else.
Pumpkin 2nd try
This time I tried a bread pudding in the pumpkin.
Even though there is no such drink in Italy. We started drinking them again ever since our trip.
Oh no, what did we start? He comes to beg for food everyday…
BTW Sandy has renamed him. It’s a cross between the actor & that famous duck. We now crown him Ben Aflac.
What the duck? Saw it in our lagoon yesterday. Just found out it’s a female Hooded Merganser. How does she keep all that hair gel from washing out?