Meatless Monday II

According to Google Dictionary, meat is defined as:

  • The flesh of an animal (esp. a mammal) as food
    • rabbit meat
    • meat sandwiches
    • assorted meats
  • The flesh of a person’s body
    • this’ll put meat on your bones!
  • The edible part of fruits or nuts
  • The essence or chief part of something
    • he did the meat of the climb on the first day
  • Food of any kind

So I think I’m okay with eating fish, but not humans. I ordered fish for dinner tonight, we met Arlene at Lake Chalet on Lake Merritt in Oakland. This was also a good time to test my new tripod with a couple of panos.

Gold Gate

Had to work in Greenbrae today. I decided to try and shoot a pano of the GG Bridge. To overcome that pesky fence I mounted my G11 on a monopod and held it high over my head. The fence is an eyesore and the pano is crooked, but I’ll get it one day.

Stitched Panorama

Okay it was bothering me so I fixed it.

ASCII Kolor stitching | 11 pictures | Size: 12956 x 3314 | FOV: 176.21 x 45.08 ~ -1.68 | RMS: 3.00 | Lens: Standard | Projection: Spherical | Color: LDR |

Meatless Monday I

In an effort to better our health I’ve decided to initiate Meatless Mondays. I usually steer clear of the veggie dishes as I find them bland (unless it’s Indian food), but I had to try. So tonight with the help of my photo cookbook on my iPad I made a grilled portabella mushroom and polenta dish topped with a poached egg. Unfortunately it was bland as h*ll and I couldn’t finish my dinner… so I ate 4 slices of cinnamon bread. Hey there’s no meat in it! Yes I’ll keep trying.