Get your ding dang camera!

While we were out in the backyard, I spotted a humming bird close to Sandy where she was pruning the bushes. She yelled at me to get the camera. I responded as I usually do, “By the time I get the camera it’ll be gone”. She didn’t take “No” for an answer. What I did capture isn’t all that good as by time I got my camera dialed in, it was too late. I was trying to manually focus since I couldn’t find the AF switch in all the excitement. Needless to say my eyesight isn’t what it used to be.

I gotta listen to her more often.

Burd Squatters

A pair of stupid burds decided to construct a 3 bedroom condo right outside our front door directly atop our porch light, without permits. The result is alot of burd crap!

I started to build a profile. I believe they are sparrows. The male is middle-aged, plain looking. Most likely a victim of a crime by human hands. He has a need for revenge and if not caught will probably escalate. Not a hostage taker though, that’s good news.

I think I watch too much Criminal Minds.

As a result of some dedicated burd research Sandy informs me that the “perp” is a Purple Finch not a sparrow. I stand corrected but still leaning toward eviction.