Sunday Stuffings

This morning everyone went to church (except Geo) as Sandy was reading. Later Tita Nellie dropped by for breakfast. We served a Smoked Salmon Frittata, Banana Nut Muffins & Fruit.

We then drove to Concord as Aleki wanted to visit the UFC Gym.

This was followed by some serious shopping that left us tired and worn. Only one thing to do… Go to McCovey’s and order a 44oz 521 Cheeseburger.

After such a big meal we had to walk it off. Geo & Aleki went clothes shopping while we shot Christmas photos by the tree.

Klamath Falls

Had a bit of business in Klamath Falls Oregon. It started out great, there was a little Peruvian Band to entertain us at the airport.

Unfortunately it was about 17° F when I arrived in Klamath Falls.

Work was smooth, and I found a great Hawaiian restaurant. The North Shore Restaurant. The Kalua Pork was so good.

With a number of hours before my flight, I raced over to Crater Lake. The last time I was there the weather was terrible and I wasn’t able to get a good shot. I drove an hour and a half on an iced road in my little Hyundai rental car and was literally there for 60 seconds, I snapped this panorama and raced back to the airport only to find that the weather in SFO caused a 4 hour delay.

Stitched Panorama

I waited patiently at the gate with 10 other unlucky passengers. This gave me a lot of time to update my blog and enjoy a wonderful dinner of Fritos & Mountain Dew from the vending machines. I got to bed at 1:50AM.

Damn SPAM & Flying Burd

Last night, we decided that we would eat breakfast at home instead of going out since as Sandy put it, “We have some SPAM that’s been in the cupboard for some time.” As I was preparing breakfast this morning I happen to glance at the bottom of the can…

If I fail to update my blog by next week please send someone over to the house, because it probably means we died of SPAM poisoning. Actually I feel SPAM will never expire and would love to do a 10 year experiment. Kinda like what the Chinese do with eggs. So everyone is invited to our place on December 2019 for breakfast. I’ll be serving 10 year old SPAM, eggs & rice.

On another note we’ve been letting Judy’s wings grow out which means she’s flying a lot more. This morning, probably to get away from the smell of expired SPAM she took flight. After a few minutes we found her motionless on the rug above the stairs.

Sundial Bridge revisited

Had a trip to Redding so I decided to try and photograph the Sundial Bridge again.

Stitched Panorama

BTW as I was driving home from Redding I saw the Oscar Mayer Wienermobile. It was heading north as I was going south and there wasn’t enough time to get my camera. I see so much interesting stuff while I’m driving. I’m gonna look into a car camera mount to capture this crazy stuff.