Lawn Mowers

I almost die every time I mow the backyard lawn because of the slope. I often wonder how the pros would handle this on a bigger scale… As I was driving home from Los Banos today, I got my answer. I captured this with a drive by shooting of the preferred professional method right at the 238/880 junction.

Hun can I get a goat? I’ll name him William E Goat. Bill E Goat for short.

Sandy’s Got a New Toy

As soon as the SD980IS was announced by Canon, I ordered one (and a 7D & G11, shhh). This new model has a touchscreen. The battery is charging right now so we’ll do some testing tomorrow.

For all you out there with cameras, you can’t hold on to them too long or they’ll devalue in a year or two. The SD880IS is going on the auction block.

That’s the new cam on the right.