Sonoma Day Two

Stitched Panorama

Today was a slow relaxing day. Sandy slept in then we enjoyed our free breakfast at the hotel. Next we took a drive up Hwy 12 to Santa Rosa stopping off at St Francis and then Ledson Winery where we had a nice lunch. With full bellies we continued our drive and ended up in Glen Ellen where we were treated to the sight of deer and flying wild turkey. One would think Sonoma is all about wine tasting. We also enjoyed olive oil tasting, balsamic vinegar tasting and chocolate tasting.

After a short dip in the jacuzzi, we went downtown and had a great dinner at the girl and the fig. Sandy had duck confit, I had the rabbit roulade. We finished with a cheesecake parfait, profiteroles and a wellington port.

Who let the Ducks in…

I came home today to find the living room in shambles. Apparently two ducks, one male and one female, conned Sandy into opening the front door by staging a package delivery. As soon as Sandy opened the door to pick up the box, they made their way in to steal the jar of duck food we keep in the kitchen. Alameda CSI was called and they dusted for web prints. If anyone has any information about this crime, please call 1-800-GET-DUCK, so we can rest in peace.