This town ain’t big enough

With the lagoon pumps awaiting repair and all the recent duck hatchlings, the lagoon is getting crowded. This morning I watched a mother take her ducklings all the way to the bay. Midway Vinny the Vulture circled for a closer look which brought her to lay down, freeze and blend into the landscape. I’m happy to report all ducklings made it to the bay safely.

We’re under attack!

I took the day off and decided to be lazy.  Although I’ve spent the last ½ hour documenting an attack from a rogue sparrow. This bird is relentless in his efforts to get through our window.

Now the way I figure it, either Judy got hooked up with some psycho boyfriend or she is the chosen one of the bird kingdom and he has been sent to free her.

It also reminds me I need to clean that window.