Manila Randomness

We are now home and full of jetlaggedness. Here are some random photos that didn’t make the blog earlier. They are photos taken by Tante, Sandy, Pinky, the official Presidential photographer and a couple of panos by me.

I’d like to take this time to thank our family and friends for making this vacation so wonderful, except those frickin mosquitoes. Mabuhay!

ASCII 6 images, Size: 5699 x 3605, FOV: 123.27 x 77.97, RMS: 3.30, Lens: Standard, Projection: Spherical, Color: LDR
Stitched Panorama

Mega Dado

Today we went to the SM Mega Mall to get some last minute gifts. Just as we were leaving, a folk song played on the intercom which brought all the sales associates out to the aisles to sing and clap along.

With all this shopping we got hungry and met the rest of the family at Dad’s for a buffet lunch. I don’t like buffets for a number of reasons, one being that I eat too much. We did get serenaded though.

We parted ways after lunch and this left us feeling empty inside… so Alex and I got Beard Papa’s cream puffs.

With full guts we drove out to Kuya Dado’s house in Antipolo for dinner. Uh it kinda reminded me of the buffet lunch. Way too much food. Got to love that hospitality though. We also got a yo-yo demonstration by Marco and Alex proved that when it comes to eating Balut, fear is not a factor.

The Golden One

Last night’s party was the culmination of months of work. The 50th Wedding Anniversary/Daddy Birthday Party was a smash. I have to admit it was thrilling to be in the company of Her Excellency, President Gloria Arroyo.

My sincere apologies to my family for chickening out on the dance number. Based on my performance during our one rehearsal, I decided it would best to sit it out due to my physical retardation.

Having the Makati Shangri-la as a venue was definitely a perk. That was by far the nicest hotel I’ve ever stayed at.

Just for the Family

Tonight In a private ceremony Daddy & Mommy renewed their vows.

After the ceremony we fought Manila traffic and went to Podium at the Ortigas Center for a great Chinese dinner. Later Daddy took Tante and myself for desert and coffee at UCC. Daddy claims they make the best coffee in the world! BTW they use a vacuum syphon brewing technique, but they also would not allow me to photograph it.