This town ain’t big enough

With the lagoon pumps awaiting repair and all the recent duck hatchlings, the lagoon is getting crowded. This morning I watched a mother take her ducklings all the way to the bay. Midway Vinny the Vulture circled for a closer look which brought her to lay down, freeze and blend into the landscape. I’m happy to report all ducklings made it to the bay safely.

We’re under attack!

I took the day off and decided to be lazy.  Although I’ve spent the last ½ hour documenting an attack from a rogue sparrow. This bird is relentless in his efforts to get through our window.

Now the way I figure it, either Judy got hooked up with some psycho boyfriend or she is the chosen one of the bird kingdom and he has been sent to free her.

It also reminds me I need to clean that window.

The Nierva’s

Today, long time friends Ricky & Angie came over to visit. We got to know darling Olivia and the newest addition to their family, little sister Lili. I grilled a bacon wrapped porkloin and Sandy made her favorite Israeli couscous & fruit dish.

Of course Ricky and I played some ukulele. It’s been so long since I last played as much that my fingers got tired very quickly. I felt like a ukulele lightweight.

The rest of the time was spent on photo talk as Ricky just got a Canon XSi and wanted the low down on camera gear. Which seemed appropriate since he carries his camera around in a cloth baby bag. I wish I had taken a shot of that!


Yesterday on our morning walk, Sandy & I found a set of keys including what appeared to be a car key for a Honda. We figured that the keys were accidentally dropped by someone who was still parked in the area so we walked back towards the ferry terminal, pushing the alarm button around all the Honda’s we could find. Just when we were about to give up, a last hopeful click of the button set off the alarm on a green Honda Civic. We were very excited to see its flashing lights. We left a note on the windshield and not too long after, gave the lost keys back to the happy owner.

A good deed deserves a reward…so I bought a new Sony 40″ LCD TV.

Later Jen & Rick came over and we had dinner at our favorite sushi restaurant, Angel Fish. Actually, they wanted to check out a Blu-Ray DVD so we rented Layer Cake. Good thing it had English subtitles…British English in an action film was a bit tough to follow for me and my mates!