I attended Nico’s baseball game today. This was the 1st time he pitched and he did really well.

The life and times of a true knucklehead – No photos to be used without permission
I attended Nico’s baseball game today. This was the 1st time he pitched and he did really well.
Drew & Tawny sent a package in the mail. I spent about an hour photographing that final beauty shot, which made it taste even better. Thanks.
Sunrises have been poor lately. Today was no exception, so I replaced the sky in Neo.
Jon & Kathy hosted Labor Day this year. I wanted to make an effort to take more photos this time…I didn’t do well, so I posted some of Sandy’s photos.
Photoshop is developing their neural filters. I tried to colorize an old photo of my Mom. Its not perfect as I had clean up the background.
Today we organized in a company picnic at Shoreline Park. As usual I didn’t take many photos.
This year for our 22nd. I took the day off to make sure we made our rezzie.
I’ve had this Magilight Light Painting Stick thingie for quite awhile but never used it til now. I have to say this is not easy. There is alot of technique involved.
Had a small get together at Cholita Linda. It was nice to see everyone.
Did my best to shoot the super moon last night. It was quite difficult.