One of my old monitors took a dive so I’ve had my eye on a Dell 49 incher for quite awhile. I finally got it and I can’t tell you how nice it is to go from dual monitors to a single.

The life and times of a true knucklehead – No photos to be used without permission
One of my old monitors took a dive so I’ve had my eye on a Dell 49 incher for quite awhile. I finally got it and I can’t tell you how nice it is to go from dual monitors to a single.
Our old grill has been through the ringer so while the backorder was long we finally got a Napoleon. Out with the old and in with the new and the first thing Sandy requested was steak! I forgot to photograph it.
I was just trying to get a few shots of Humphrey when violence erupted. I heard hummingbirds are very territorial, but getting grabbed by your beak and thrown off your seat?
I will attempt to negotiate a nectar feeding treaty between the two parties but the hatered goes pretty deep.
I don’t think the duckies had any idea how close they came to getting eaten.
The new duckies were frolicking around.
Tom & Marika took the kids to LA and asked us to get their mail and in return they brought us a little reward.
Humphrey the hummer had good light on em today and asked me to take a photograph.
This year we have multiple duck families in competition for the lagoon rights.
I found a blind ducky in our lagoon. It was just swimming in circles and appeared to be in distress. I scooped it up and we took it in for a bit of comfort. Unfortunately it didn’t make it, but I suppose it was better than being eaten by a night heron.
The family finally decided to get together, so Jon had a Christmas Party in July since we skipped it last December. I had a hard time breaking away from socializing to take a few portraits.