I just happened to drive by the Veterans Memorial Park and I noticed they were preparing for the Memorial. I ran home and got my camera.

The life and times of a true knucklehead – No photos to be used without permission
I just happened to drive by the Veterans Memorial Park and I noticed they were preparing for the Memorial. I ran home and got my camera.
Jon & Kathy invited us over for dinner. It was so nice to catch up with them but I spent so much time laughing I only took one photo of Gavin.
Last weekend at the wedding I wore a pair of Timberland shoes, that I think I’ve only worn once before. Apparently they have been sitting in the closet too long as the sole binding just disintegrated. So just as the always emotional speeches were starting I had to walk back to the car in my socks to retrieve a spare pair. Something similar happened to my Father at our wedding in 2000. I don’t remember exactly what I was thinking at the time but I’m sure it was something along the lines of why did he wear those cheap shoes. Shoe karma is a b*tch.
Since my brother passed we’ve been slowly getting rid of his possessions. I found this old Jitterbug flip phone that was in pristine condition. I had to laugh, it’s 5 star enabled.
We stopped by to see Mom then drove down to Temecula to see Cheryl, then the Dalisay Wedding and finally a quick visit with Tawny. I’m so tired.
The pandemic put a damper on the wedding as the date kept getting pushed back, but their day finally arrived on the 23rd. It was so nice to see family again and while it’s been over a year it felt as as if no time had passed.
I brought a 36″ softbox and a 300 watt strobe to a wedding. What kind of a moron does that?
We installed a feeder for the humming birds that like to frequent our backyard. In the past they have always ignored it, so I didn’t expect much. Sandy made a “special” food formula that brought in a single hummer multiple times. I spent the next hour waiting and in the span of about 30 seconds I shot 145 photos… only one was acceptable.
Work brought me close to the Golden Gate so I ventured to Point Lobos.
Last Friday I had some work to do in Sebastopol, so I visited a favorite of mine Ramen Gaijin.
Dom was washing cars and asked if I needed one. I was about to accept til he asked for $75.00. He said something about a college fund.