Found this 1 on the doormat.

The life and times of a true knucklehead – No photos to be used without permission
Found this 1 on the doormat.
On my way back home I saw these paragliders around Seaside and had to pull over to shoot em.
Had to go up to Gualala again so…
Had a short Zoom meeting with our friends from Oakland.
Sandy came to me complaining about a Princess Phoebe in the backyard. So I went to check it out. Sure enough feed me, feed me. Today’s youth…
We took a short walk and shot some photos.
I’ve been playing around with Artificial Intelligence driven post processing software. I use it mainly to do boring sky replacements.
Had to make a trip up to Gualala for work, so I did what I normally do…
I’ve spent the past few weeks reformatting the blog from the old format to the new, that’s 1,234 posts from 2007 to present. There were a few that I couldn’t find the photos from way back when. Its been tough not retouching all those bad photos. I suppose that’s a good thing as my standards are rising… a little. I also can’t believe the things I blogged about, as if I was desperate for content. Oh well I didn’t want to change that.
Of note I also added photos prior to 2007 although I could not provide context for most of those.
I’m having difficulty with all the folks I running into that don’t seem to think its important to wear a mask. That being said I just received a couple of neck gaiters in the mail yesterday.