I watched Jon play last Friday in Fremont. I would struggle to explain the experience to anyone. It’s one thing to listen to a CD, but to be there live and witness his speed & accuracy you can’t fully comprehend it. I would give my left arm to have a tenth of this talent… oh wait if I didn’t have a left arm I couldn’t play ukulele.

Yuen Halloween Shoot

This year Noah & Nico went with a Star Wars theme. I was happy to shoot this… well actually it was quite a bit of work. Because it is difficult to predict these kids movement I choose to shoot them individually and composite them into a scene. Of course right in the middle of the shoot Nico decides to remove his head piece.  I had no confidence I could produce anything usable while we were shooting.

3 composites for Koa, just 2 for Noah and 3 for Nico. Total time including driving 4.5 hrs. In the end I just choose a simple black background, instead of photographing a forest background like I planned. Yes I got lazy.