Full Moon Madness

Yesterday Steve suggested that we go out to the Golden Gate Bridge to shoot the full moon.

Needless to say there were a number of people who had the same idea. While I haven’t seen Jim’s or Steve’s shots, I imagine they’ll look so similar. The photos do no justice to the beauty of the scene and I can’t remember the last time all 3 of us went on a shoot. We should do it more often.


Found this dead wasp in the backyard so I thought it would be a good test. This was really difficult. The depth of field was so shallow I had to do a focus stack.

But just to get it in focus was trying as I shot this in the living room on the coffee table. Everytime I would focus, lean back to depress the shutter and the carpet would give just enough that the wasp was out of focus. This was all compounded by my “old” eyes which meant I had to constantly switch between glasses on to view and off to focus. Oh did I mention it was too dim to focus so I had to hold a flashlight too. The lens was approximately an inch away so when I’d reach over to focus I would hit the leaf and have to start all over again. I was a real cuss-er!

Dogsitting Koa

In preparation for Easter at Tami & Chris’s we took Koa off their hands for the afternoon. This is always full of challenges. We decided to spend the day in the backyard and Koa was quietly waiting for the ducks to show. She would ignore them til she felt she could pounce. Of course the stupid ducks kept coming back for more.

Later we brought her over to Pet Food Express for a dog bath. Being our 1st time over there I had no idea you’re only suppose to choose 1 shampoo. I just kept turning the dial so she now smells like a orange oil, mango, herbal garden Frenchie

NYC 2014

We took a train from Greenwich to Grand Central Station (forgot to take a photo). Paz met us and immediately whisked us to their favorite Thai Restaurant, Sripraphai. We consumed a whole fried fish & with fishy breath we jetted off to the Queens Museum to watch a press conference where Mayor Bill de Blasio appointed a new commissioner of the Department of Cultural Affairs. When we arrived, Paz was invited to stand behind the mayor along with select leaders of arts organizations, we were directed to sit in the bleachers.

Next we had a date at the MOMA where we had a pre-dinner dessert. Then it started to rain which only means… yes, ramen weather! We stumbled into ISE and was not expecting much but the food was great.

The following day we went to the 911 Memorial. It was a somber experience to say the least. The magnitude of the memorial made it impossible to photograph properly.

Wall Street

The bull’s balls are noticeably shiny. That only means that there are a lot of people rubbing them. Disturbing.

For lunch we met up with Charm an old car poolmate of Sandy’s before we married (14 yrs ago). I wasn’t sure I would recognize her but when I saw a woman running across the street screaming & waving her hands frantically, my question was answered. I was laughing so hard I was in tears. I wish I would have captured that moment on video. Charm brought us to a great soup dumpling place called, Shanghai Asian Cuisine. The food was excellent.

Okay get dressed we are going to the Cape Cod Chamber Music Festival Anniversary Gala at the DiMenna Center for Classical Music. But wait, there is a cool place on the way so we stopped at the High Line to shoot Paz.

Unfortunately I didn’t shoot many photos at the gala. I missed the moment when Jon was petting the seeing eye dog (bad etiquette).

Our last day in New York consisted of a last minute photoshoot at Topaz Arts before going to the airport.