Memorial Day 2011

I usually go to our local Veterans park to photograph the Memorial Day events, but this year I forgot and committed to a family outing in San Francisco. It didn’t feel right skipping this tradition, so I went out to the Golden Gate National Cemetery in San Bruno yesterday to shoot a few photos to memorialize those who served.  I have never been there before and could not believe the scale of this place.

Passing Duck

Our own Aflac duck, Ben, has been looking pretty dirty lately and yesterday, he had some nasty green crap. Tired of cleaning up after him, I chased him out of the backyard. I noticed he stumbled quite a bit. He just sat outside our fence all day and I mentioned to Sandy this didn’t look good. I came out this morning and he was lying on some Pampas Grass, he passed away during the night. Yes he was ugly, needy & messy but I was saddened to see him lifeless. I used to feed him everyday right outta the bottle. I always got a kick out of that.

iPad Cam

Okay I’ve been trying to use my iPad camera and while I understand why they are so popular I absolutely cannot stand the image quality. It may not be apparent from these thumbnails but it is horrible in low light and the dynamic range even in good light is substandard. Of course what should I expect from a <1MP camera. Now that doesn’t mean that I don’t enjoying having iphone pix sent to me. I just want a better camera in my iPad.

Los Angeles weekend

We had a busy weekend down in LA. Along with visiting with my Ma, we managed to get together with Barry who was in town for a convention. I haven’t seen him in 16 years.

The Original Pancake House on Pacific Coast Highway was a great find. I love the Apple Pancake. We also revisited my new favorite Ramen place.

On the way back we stopped in on our newly transplanted niece, Tawny. We checked out the Brazilian fare in her neighborhood.

To further gorge ourselves, we stopped by Harris Ranch for a steak dinner. The iPad pix were horrible (more on that later). So you’ll have to use your imagination.