Duck Dominance

I don’t follow any sports but I have to admit I like watching a good fight.

I got tired of cleaning up after Ben Aflac by the back door so I tried to feed him at the lower patio. Well the other ducks caught wind of this and decided to swarm him. Apparently violence is beneath him so he retreated to the upper patio and hid behind the plants until the coast was clear. I felt sorry for him so I fed him privately. Meanwhile I photographed the melee at the lower patio.


We both had the day off so after a nice breakfast of duck hash & eggs, we drove to the local shopping center to do some errands. We sat in the car listening to the MLK I Have a Dream speech. It was quite inspirational.

For Christmas, Sandy gave me a gift certificate for a number of massages at Body Techniques. I decided today would be a good day to start the redemption process. After an hour of Alicia working the knots out of my body I felt quite relaxed and sleepy, but it was close to noon so we went to Gerry’s Grill for lunch. As usual we ordered too much and ended up taking quite a bit home.

This was followed by a cleaning session in the garage… now my ding dang back hurts!