Chris & Tami Wed

Last night we were part of a heartwarming event, the Yuen Wedding. The ceremony was held at the Japanese Tea Garden in San Mateo. Tami was a gorgeous bride. Unfortunately lighting conditions were horrible and therefore I didn’t get much in the way of pictures. The reception was a few miles away at the Hillsborough Racquet Club. The crowd was mixed and full of beautiful energetic people.

Canon SD800

Contrary to what my Sister IL believes, I make note of when Sandy’s photos are used not because I want to separate myself from her point and shoot camera, but to show that you don’t need a big monster camera to take good pictures.

Now that we’re home and I’m looking through Sandy’s shots I came across a couple from the day they were at Anvaya. I didn’t pay attention in the Philippines because I lacked the pano stitching software.

ASCII 5 images, Size: 8587 x 2151, FOV: 162.02 x 40.59, RMS: 2.24, Lens: Standard, Projection: Spherical, Color: LDR
Stitched Panorama